Name: The Key For Succes Home: mumbai, maharashtra, India About Me: You will see me as a person focussed on my goal/aim/mission, which keeps me thinking all the time.But thats the way I am , and that is the path to success-->KICK OUT WASTEFUL TALKS/ACTIVITIES, AND THINK AND IMPLEMENT THAT WHICH WILL HELP YOU TOWARDS YOUR ULTIMATE MISSION!!- See my complete profile
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The Importance Of Exercise In Fighting Type 2 Diabetes
I don't think that anybody would dispute the fact we need to take some regular exercise, but only about 30% of people in the United States are currently getting the recommended level of thirty minutes exercise a day and it is frightening to discover that 25% of Americans today take very little or no exercise at all.So what does this have to do with type 2 diabetes? If you are skeptical about the connection between weight and diabetes then you only need to look at the latest statistics from the US Department of Health and Human Services which show that a staggering 80% of people suffering from type 2 diabetes are also classed as being clinically overweight. So what sort of things are we talking about? Well, if you live in an apartment on the fifth floor, use the stairs instead of taking the lift. If you ride the bus to work, get off a couple of stops early and walk the last part of your journey. If your garden is in need of attention, get out once or twice a week and push the mower around, do some weeding or dig over the vegetable patch. This list of exercise opportunities is virtually endless and it doesn't really matter how you get your exercise. What is important is that you look carefully at your lifestyle and, in particular, at your daily routine and try to work in at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Combine this with taking a close look at your eating habits and both your weight and the problems associated with type 2 diabetes will begin to fall.