Name: The Key For Succes Home: mumbai, maharashtra, India About Me: You will see me as a person focussed on my goal/aim/mission, which keeps me thinking all the time.But thats the way I am , and that is the path to success-->KICK OUT WASTEFUL TALKS/ACTIVITIES, AND THINK AND IMPLEMENT THAT WHICH WILL HELP YOU TOWARDS YOUR ULTIMATE MISSION!!- See my complete profile
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Like all other disease condition anthrax prevention is preferred over treatment. Prevention will reduce the sufferings and the cost of the medication. There are vaccines for anthrax which can protect the person without any doubt. But the problem is the vaccines are not available readily. The vaccines must be given for six times over a period of eighteen months. The booster vaccines must be given every year since the primary vaccination can't provide sustained immunity. These booster vaccines are must for those who are in the high risk zone. The persons who are likely to be exposed to animal and animal products come under high risk category. The activity of the vaccine can be determined by simple skin test. The miscreants can use these bacillus anthracis spores for bio-terrorist attack. In such cases the people in the vicinity will be given antibiotics, especially doxycyclines for a period of two months. This will prevent the disease from spreading. The selection of antibiotic can be determined after conducting sensitivity test using the contaminated material.