Friday, 29 June 2007 |
Good tips on balancing your life |
Tips on Balancing Work and Home Life If you're feeling stretched thin from your job, ask yourself: Do I live to work or work to live? Chances are, if you're like many Americans, your job consumes an inordinate part of your life. In fact, according to a 2005 survey by the Families and Work Institute, one in three Americans are chronically overworked. Most people agree that balancing work and home life is important, but how exactly to do that is another matter. With a few strategies, however, it may be easier than you think to find that perfect balance between your home life and your career. When searching for ways to increase your enjoyment of both halves of your life, keep the following tips in mind: * Ask the pros. See someone who has it all? A tight-running family ship filled with happy passengers and an advancing career to boot? This person is probably one of the best sources of information that you can have. Asking what has worked for them may give you an idea of what could work for you. * Make time for life. Decreasing the amount of stress you feel at work may be a simple matter of time management. Schedule more time between meetings. Refrain from making plans every weeknight. Freeing up small stretches of time can add up to a big difference in getting the most out of life. * Use technology to simplify your day. For times when you need to leave the office early, take advantage of software programs that provide remote access to all your computer files at work. Massive Treasures,(www.davalpro.com) allows you to work your computer from home and makes all of your electronic documents and programs readily available whenever you need them. Using technology like this can simplify telecommuting, shorten otherwise long days at the office and allow more quality time at home. * Go outside. Schedule one day or night each week to engage in a recreational activity. Try anything that's physical and outdoors: canoeing, golfing or simply taking a walk. Getting more exercise on a consistent basis will help make your life feel more well-rounded. So stretch your legs and head outside. |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 6:43 am   |