Monday, 9 July 2007 |
Executive Background Check........ |
In the hiring of people who will fill high or medium-level management positions, be sure that the persons are competent and trustworthy because they will be occupying high level of responsibility and will have an impact on how the company transacts on several levels. Looking for people is a great responsibility, a task that cannot be taken lightly. Employer-employee trust counts much because of its importance to efficient business undertakings, it is important that the executives hired are trustworthy. It is seldom for someone applying for high position will lie in his or her application. Although there is the possibility because one cannot be certain on first glance that all previous experiences are real have the credentials that they claim. It is very important to look on the background of the applicant to an executive position to assure the company to lose thousands of dollars. Checking their references, education, and criminal record, it should be apparent whether or not an applicant is worthy of the authority granted by an executive position. Any falsehood on a resume could be something big, and even the cleanest looking applicant can have a history of embezzlement or insider trading. Finding anything before a problem is much easier and less costly than fixing whatever damage has already been done.Labels: A Road To Success |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 11:11 am   |
Reason To Upgrade The VISTA |
Just like when Windows XP was released, most people did not do an immediate upgrade. You can probably upgrade to Windows Vista with a lot few problems then with XP but I would still wait a few months.
There are quite a few reasons why you should wait. The first reason is security. There will always be a few problems and bugs with the initial release of any software product. I know there have been a few beta versions and release candidates, but there will still be bugs.
The second reason is software compatibility. You may think all your software and hardware is compatible with Windows Vista, but the vendors may not have drivers or updates ready by the time Vista comes out. I would rather wait to get a valid driver from the manufacturer then a generic driver from Microsoft.
The third reason would be the learning curve. I know this isn't a very strong reason, but there will still be a learning curve with Windows Vista. If you are comfortable with Windows XP then Vista probably will be a welcome change, but for new users or users who are not experts with Windows XP, this could be a problem.
I would recommend trying Windows Vista out in a computer store first to make sure that you want to upgrade to the latest version of Windows. Windows Vista is a welcome update, but I am going to wait at least 3 months before I upgrade my computer because of possible security and software problems.Labels: A Road To Success |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 10:25 am   |
DANGEROUS E-mail Marketing Technique |
If your promotional emails exhibit any of the three following techniques, your marketing campaign will not achieve its full potential.
Avoid selling the product in the email
The primary goal for your email should be to build up the reader's expectation about a product; you want to pre-sell the product. Attempt to generate some excitement and curiosity. Once you have the reader's interest, send them to the sales page for the actual sales pitch.
If you focus on creating a positive attitude towards the product, you should see more qualified people visiting the sales page. They will already have some initial interest in the product so selling to them should be much easier.
Avoid using too much hype in the email
Even if you're excited about the product, you should try to stay away from including too much hype in your pre-sell. Over hyping a product in an email will cause it to sound artificial, which will lower your clickthrough rate. You want to build up just enough interest in the product to get the reader to follow your link to the sales page.
It's ok to display genuine enthusiasm, as long as it's sincere, to prevent your email from being boring, but be sure not to over do it. You don't want your email to sound artificial in an attempt at making your wording sound more energized.
If the product you're promoting will befit your readers and you truly believe this, you should be able to convince them without useless hype.
Take the time to properly format your email
I really can't stress this enough. You may consider this to be obvious, but it's surprising how often I receive a promotional email that is full of poor grammar and spelling mistakes. These emails quickly find their way into my Deleted folder.
I think it's safe to say that everyone has access to a spell-checker these days, so take the time to use one. You should also proof-read your email several times before sending it out; even get someone else to read it through.
Discover a simple, yet powerful strategy that will ensure you're getting the highest conversions from your email marketing promotions - Email Marketing Strategy
Learn how you can find the insider scoop on the latest Internet Marketing products before you buy them!Labels: A Road To Success |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 6:54 am   |
10 Easy Steps To Get FREE Website TRAFFIC |
Can you ever avail of free website promotion? Is that even feasible? Of course yes! Nowadays, your baby website can amass huge traffic in no time thanks to free website promotion. How does this free website promotion go anyway? What are things to be done?
1. Enlist your website. Look for the hottest Internet directories and enlist your site there. This is the easiest and most effective free website promotion tactic. Start with this step and the rest of the good things will follow. Just don't forget to prep your website and make it all spruced up for a higher chance to get accepted in your directory of choice.
2. Know your forums. One reason why forums are created is for free website promotion for everyone. Log in, post actively, let them know about your site in every post and you attract instant visitors right there. 3. Write a press release. Release your writing prowess and start up a press release that advertises your site! This is a free website promotion tactic that you can do anytime. Type a brief paragraph or two and email it to your friends, colleagues, internet e-zines, newspapers and other media and massive traffic will come to you pronto!
4. Be friendly online. Free website promotion means you need to be friendly to other webmasters. Why, you ask? So they can link you immediately! Establish contacts and never tire of link requests and exchanges. 5. Write an article. Say, your website is about your travel agency. Write an article about the perks of traveling or the hottest travel spots in the world. On the concluding paragraph, mention your website in passing. This article works as an advertorial and doubles as a free website promotion approach.
6. Just let the whole world know about your site. What is free website promotion without the word of mouth? Insert your website, its URL and features in daily conversations and let the good news spread from one mouth to another!
7. Make a banner ad. Make a banner ad for your site and ask another webmaster to do the same for his site. Then swap!
8. Take up a free website promotion course online. Yes, there are free website promotion tutorials. But don't you know that you can actually take a free website promotion course that can help you out further? Part of the free website promotion program is signing up for newsletters. When you make a website, you need not pay anything to promote it. You just read it -- there is such a thing as free website promotion!
9. Link your website to links exchange directory, eg http://www.dillseed.net/links/ . When you have your website, do get backlinks as to increase your ranking so as to get Free Google Organic Traffic
10. Submit articles to articles directory and link it back to your site, eg http://www.mypinkcheese.com/ Increase Traffic.Labels: A Road To Success |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 6:49 am   |
LAPTOP Data Safety |
Basic levels of password protection on laptops are easily overcome by the experienced thief and this is causing considerable concern within the industry.
There are two things you should do:
Physical security - Don't let your laptop out of your sight. Never leave it unattended in a public place. Never leave it in the boot of your car overnight at hotels. Always use a steel cable to attach it to a firm structure when in use outside your normal environment.
Electronic security - Don't have sensitive data on a hard disk in the first place. Use a complex password and if possible second level authentication, such as a token or other device. When the laptop is on but is not being used, use the electronic lock facility to activate the password entry facility. Use a password on any screensaver.
That takes some account of security for the laptop, but with attached devices such as SD cards and USB pen-drives the situation is different:
Anyone stealing the SD Card or Pen-drive can read the data on any computer loaded with similar software. This is clearly a point of vulnerability; the best method to protect this type of device is to encrypt it so that it is useless without the decrypt key. This protection is not the expensive option it used to be, with open source software freely available. The best of these encrypt and decrypt on the fly and are transparent to the authorised but render the device useless to the thief and in may cases appear to be a blank device.
ISO27001 and Laptop SecurityLabels: A Road To Success |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 6:43 am   |