Friday, 29 June 2007 |
Article On GATE |
Every qualified candidate will receive an original GATE Scorecard valid for two years . Additional Scorecards (up to a maximum of two) will be issued only once on request and on payment of Rs 300 per card. Such requests should reach the Organizing Chairman, GATE 2007, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur , Kanpur 208016 before August 31, 2007 together with a bank draft in favour of Chairman GATE, IIT Kanpur, payable at Kanpur . These cards will be labelled as Additional Scorecard -1 and Additional Scorecard - 2 at the top. However, if the candidate changes his/her admitting institution by using the additional scorecard(s), he/she is required to clarify the matters related to his/her admission and Scholarship/Assistantship with the new institution where subsequent admission change is sought. Scorecard will be sent only to the qualified candidates. No information will be sent to candidates who are not qualified. The GATE Scorecard is a valuable document.
GateGenie Help Desk The Scorecard cannot be treated as a proof of date of birth, category and disability status.
The Scorecard will indicate GATE Score and Rank of the Qualified Candidates. GATE Score
The GATE Score of a candidate is in the range 0 to 1000. It reflects the performance of a candidate, irrespective of the GATE paper or year in which he/she has qualified. Candidates with same GATE Score from different GATE papers and/or years can be considered to have the same performance level. The marks obtained by the candidate is normalized on the basis of the average and standard deviation of marks of all candidates who appeared in the paper mentioned on the scorecard in GATE 2007. Subsequently, this is scaled with respect to the global average and global standard deviation so as to facilitate performance comparison across GATE papers and over a block of years since GATE 2004.
Where m = marks obtained by the candidate. a = average of marks of all candidates who appeared in the paper mentioned on this scorecard in GATE 2007 s = standard deviation of marks of all candidates who appeared in the paper mentioned on this scorecard in GATE 2007 = global average of marks of all candidates who appeared across all papers and years (2004-2007) = global standard deviation of marks of all candidates who appeared across all papers and years (2004-2007)
The Maximum Score can be 1000. GATE Score Range
Ability Level 800 to 1000
Outstanding 675 to 800
Excellent 550 to 675
Very good 425 to 550
Good 300 to 425
Above average 100 to 300
Average Below 100
Below average
The evaluation of the ORS is carried out by a computerized process using scanning machines, with utmost care. Requests for revaluation of the answer script and re-totaling of marks will not be entertained. The GATE result and particulars of the qualified candidates will be made available to interested organizations (educational institutions, R & D laboratories, industries, etc.) in India and abroad based on written request by the organization and on payment. Details can be obtained from GATE Chairmen of IITs/IISc. |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 10:34 am   |
This Is Crazy............ |
This is crazy, but it's true...How smart is Your Right Foot?This is so funny that it will boggle your mind and you will keep trying at least 50 more times to see if you can outsmart your foot, but you can't. ..I bet you can't take control on your foot
1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor andmake clockwise circles.
2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand.Your foot will change direction. And there's nothing you can do aboutit...Ha Ha Ha ....Tell ur friends to do this and laugh and make them tolaugh...Keep Smiling....Life is soo Beautiful.... |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 10:09 am   |
Diamond History |
Diamond History Diamond history varies greatly depending on your source of documentation, as diamond history is as rich in myths and folklore as it is in physical facts and records. Diamond history is one filled with mythical stories, such as one where snakes guarded a land full of diamonds, and the history has fascinated people with the romance and beauty that surrounds our most precious gemstones; diamonds.
Early Diamond History Around 3,000 years ago, in the country of India, the first ever diamond history was recorded. If diamonds had been found prior to this period of time, we have no written record of it Diamonds in this day and age were used for two main purposes, and is quite different from why we still love diamonds today. Diamonds stood as a talisman in order to fend off evil spirits, and to provide protection during battles, and they were also valued because of their ability to reflect the light.
Dark Ages of Diamond History It is during the dark ages that the diamond history moved into having some sort of medical purpose. St Hildegarde was said to have written an anecdote to heal wounds and cure illnesses that instructed the sick to hold a diamond in their hand and make the sign of the cross. Some people in diamond history went as far as swallowing diamonds, hoping it would cure their illnesses magically.
Middle Ages of Diamond History It was during the middle ages that diamonds began to gain popularity. It is this point in diamond history that many of the famous diamonds were discovered, including the Blue Hope, and the mountain of light, both found in India. In our current times, India remains the worlds finest polishers of diamonds. The middle ages also saw a shift in diamond history- where previously diamonds were valued based on their mythical powers, they began to be valued more for their overall worth. As more people learned of the incredible value of diamonds, mine owners began circulating stories that diamonds were poisonous, to prevent the workers from swallowing diamonds as a means to smuggle them out of the mines undetected. Also during this period of diamond history, people wanted diamonds more than any other time period previously, mostly because they recognized their power and worth. India's diamond supply was dwindling and was unable to meet demands of diamond buyers. South Africa's find of diamonds near the Orange River began the world's largest diamond rush of diamond history, and helped satisfy the demands of those wanting diamonds for themselves.
More Recently Diamond history began to spread into eastern Australia sometime during the middle of the nineteenth century. During the late 1970's, Australia as a diamond producer became validated. Also in the late 1970's, 1979 to be exact, the Argyle pipe near Lake Argyle was discovered by geologists. Since that day, Argyle has become the absolute largest producer of diamonds in all the world and throughout diamond history, and produces over one third of the diamond volume each year. |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 6:49 am   |
Creating Computer Passwords Acuity has put together many great points and hints for your enjoyment and protection against theft and fraud. we have noted then below, enjoy. One trick to use for passwords; think of a phrase that is easy to remember -- preferably using numbers somewhere in it.
For example - "I get up at 6:15 but am sometimes late." Then take the first letter of each word to make the password. Capitals can be used for emphasis. This would result in: Igua615BasL8. It's easy to remember but doesn't make much sense to anyone else. Another way to create an "unbreakable" password is to use the initial letters of a phrase or poem. Then capitalize a letter or two in the middle somewhere and toss in a few numbers.
For instance, here's the first line of a poem I had to memorize (too many) years ago in school: When to the sessions of sweet silent thought. This becomes: Wttsosst But I can use 2 for "to" -- W2tsosst And you could count the number of words or syllables and insert that number (10 and 8, respectively) -- W2tsosst8 or W2ts8osst (at the end or in the middle). This way I can remember it.
We also like using a PET system for creating passwords. Use the name of a pet or relative long deceased and then add numbers in back of it that correspond to the letter on the phone.
For example, let's say my pet's name was Fluffy. I could add a dash, and make the first part of the password fl-uffy. Then if I liked birds, I might make the number 24737 (since these are the numbers that spell out the word 'birds' on the phone pad). So the password would be: fl-uffy24737. The number would make absolutely no sense to someone wanting to steal it. It is amazing how well this works for folks that forget numbers, just look on the phone pad for it.
Other ideas could be to use an old license plate number that is easy to remember, an old address no one would connect you with (such as Fl-uffy12353southmain), or something that has meaning for you that would not be readily apparent to someone wanting to steal your password.
Writers Note: Just be sure that your pet's name (or whatever you use) is not a word in the dictionary, since these can be cracked in no time. Adding the dash makes this work (although there are still some systems that don't allow characters like dashes). Even better would be to add some capital letters, like Fl-uFFy24737. We hope these three suggestions help you create better passwords you can remember. |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 6:45 am   |
Career- How To Do Your Career Analysis? |
We all must do analysis of vital factors that shape our work life. Let us do a quick analysis of your career and find out if major changes are needed.
Burnout- Chronic stress over a period of time may make you feel totally helpless and unable to cope up with demands of life. This can cause burn out. When in a job, you feel that you are overburdened, and under appreciated, that the demands of the job are increasing and despite all your efforts you are not able to manage the work and get blames for not performing, stress becomes chronic and one loses interest in work and many other activities in life. This is burnout. Absolute helplessness is experienced during burn out and one finds that one can simply not continue.
Victimization- Are you feeling that you are getting a raw deal in your job? Do you feel that you are being blamed wrongly? That you are being given more responsibilities than you can handle? That no body bothers about your comfort? You do not get any appreciation? That your smallest mistake is being blown out of proportion and you are made to feel bad? You may be getting emotionally abused? Are you getting a strong sense of discomfort? Then you are being victimized.
Right Seat- We all have a chair that designates a position in our career. For most of us the position, the responsibilities, the growth prospects and many such factors decide if we are happy in our seat? Sometimes, we may be unaware that another seat may send us much higher in the hierarchy and satisfaction level. Sometimes we are frustrated with our job for no easily identifiable reason. There are many such factors that determine if we are on the right seat. Find out if you are on the right seat. |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 6:44 am   |
Good tips on balancing your life |
Tips on Balancing Work and Home Life If you're feeling stretched thin from your job, ask yourself: Do I live to work or work to live? Chances are, if you're like many Americans, your job consumes an inordinate part of your life. In fact, according to a 2005 survey by the Families and Work Institute, one in three Americans are chronically overworked. Most people agree that balancing work and home life is important, but how exactly to do that is another matter. With a few strategies, however, it may be easier than you think to find that perfect balance between your home life and your career. When searching for ways to increase your enjoyment of both halves of your life, keep the following tips in mind: * Ask the pros. See someone who has it all? A tight-running family ship filled with happy passengers and an advancing career to boot? This person is probably one of the best sources of information that you can have. Asking what has worked for them may give you an idea of what could work for you. * Make time for life. Decreasing the amount of stress you feel at work may be a simple matter of time management. Schedule more time between meetings. Refrain from making plans every weeknight. Freeing up small stretches of time can add up to a big difference in getting the most out of life. * Use technology to simplify your day. For times when you need to leave the office early, take advantage of software programs that provide remote access to all your computer files at work. Massive Treasures,(www.davalpro.com) allows you to work your computer from home and makes all of your electronic documents and programs readily available whenever you need them. Using technology like this can simplify telecommuting, shorten otherwise long days at the office and allow more quality time at home. * Go outside. Schedule one day or night each week to engage in a recreational activity. Try anything that's physical and outdoors: canoeing, golfing or simply taking a walk. Getting more exercise on a consistent basis will help make your life feel more well-rounded. So stretch your legs and head outside. |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 6:43 am   |
Prevention of Anthrax Disease |
Like all other disease condition anthrax prevention is preferred over treatment. Prevention will reduce the sufferings and the cost of the medication. There are vaccines for anthrax which can protect the person without any doubt. But the problem is the vaccines are not available readily. The vaccines must be given for six times over a period of eighteen months. The booster vaccines must be given every year since the primary vaccination can't provide sustained immunity. These booster vaccines are must for those who are in the high risk zone. The persons who are likely to be exposed to animal and animal products come under high risk category. The activity of the vaccine can be determined by simple skin test. The miscreants can use these bacillus anthracis spores for bio-terrorist attack. In such cases the people in the vicinity will be given antibiotics, especially doxycyclines for a period of two months. This will prevent the disease from spreading. The selection of antibiotic can be determined after conducting sensitivity test using the contaminated material. |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 6:35 am   |
Prevention of Anthrax Disease |
Like all other disease condition anthrax prevention is preferred over treatment. Prevention will reduce the sufferings and the cost of the medication. There are vaccines for anthrax which can protect the person without any doubt. But the problem is the vaccines are not available readily. The vaccines must be given for six times over a period of eighteen months. The booster vaccines must be given every year since the primary vaccination can't provide sustained immunity. These booster vaccines are must for those who are in the high risk zone. The persons who are likely to be exposed to animal and animal products come under high risk category. The activity of the vaccine can be determined by simple skin test. The miscreants can use these bacillus anthracis spores for bio-terrorist attack. In such cases the people in the vicinity will be given antibiotics, especially doxycyclines for a period of two months. This will prevent the disease from spreading. The selection of antibiotic can be determined after conducting sensitivity test using the contaminated material. |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 6:35 am   |
The Importance Of Exercise In Fighting Type 2 Diabetes |
I don't think that anybody would dispute the fact we need to take some regular exercise, but only about 30% of people in the United States are currently getting the recommended level of thirty minutes exercise a day and it is frightening to discover that 25% of Americans today take very little or no exercise at all.So what does this have to do with type 2 diabetes? If you are skeptical about the connection between weight and diabetes then you only need to look at the latest statistics from the US Department of Health and Human Services which show that a staggering 80% of people suffering from type 2 diabetes are also classed as being clinically overweight. So what sort of things are we talking about? Well, if you live in an apartment on the fifth floor, use the stairs instead of taking the lift. If you ride the bus to work, get off a couple of stops early and walk the last part of your journey. If your garden is in need of attention, get out once or twice a week and push the mower around, do some weeding or dig over the vegetable patch. This list of exercise opportunities is virtually endless and it doesn't really matter how you get your exercise. What is important is that you look carefully at your lifestyle and, in particular, at your daily routine and try to work in at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Combine this with taking a close look at your eating habits and both your weight and the problems associated with type 2 diabetes will begin to fall. |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 6:32 am   |
The Present Condition Of Palestine.................. |
Dear Friends, As We Have Regular Glimpse To Latest News.The Common News Which Stikes Our T.V Screens Is The News Of Palestine.
This Is What An Anchor Says "10 People Killed By An Airstrike"
But I m Totally Confused With Some Question Like......
Who Have Attacked ? Who Are The Victims? What Is The Death Toll Of The Victims?
I Have The Answers Of This Question.If U Also Want To Know About All This Plz Have A Look To The File In The Given Link...
http://www.savefile.com/files/850401 |
posted by The Key For Succes @ 3:14 am   |